Random stuff
I do not want this to be one of these homepages which is a fancy static site generator setup only to contain a single blog post –or maybe two– before they got abandoned.
Expectation management is key here, so I won't call it a "blog". Content dump describes much it better, so you know what you are getting into.
A soul in an aquarium
Two autonomous units
Enablers of abuse in online communities
Ghost bus
Passive suicidality scale
Against leading commas
Things you should read
Nix ohne NixOS [DE]
In 2021 hat das ChaosInKl online eine "OpenTopicNight" zum Thema Nix veranstaltet.
Dieser Vortrag über Nix auf nicht-NixOS-Systemen, mit Fokus auf nix-shell
und Entwicklungsumgebungen, ist dafür entstanden.